## Network Configuration Summary ### for Beam Test DAQ --- ### Overview <div style="font-size: smaller"> - All computers hidden behind a Gigabyte router - All DAQ computers equiped with remote desktop (VNC, RDP, ...), which enables controlling form both control room and remote site (China) - USB camera attached to DAQ computer in beam area for diagnosis </div> ```plantuml header "Connection Diagram" 'scale 0.8 skinparam componentStyle rectangle cloud "CERN network" as cnet package "Control Room" { (switch 1) as sw1 [Console 1] as scon1 [Console 2] as scon2 [...] as scon3 [router] <-left-> sw1 sw1 -- scon1 sw1 -- scon2 sw1 -- scon3 } package "Beam Area" { [DAQ 1] as daq1 [DAQ 2] as daq2 [...] as daq3 (switch 2) as sw2 sw2 -- daq1 sw2 -- daq2 sw2 -- daq3 } cnet <--> router router <-right-> sw2 ``` --- ### Network Topology ```plantuml scale 0.9 nwdiag { cnet [description="CERN network", shape=cloud] cnet -- router network internal { address = "" router [description="router\n(addr: TBD)"] group controlRoom { description = "Control\nRoom\n\n" scon1 [description="Console 1"] scon2 [description="Console 2"] scon3 [description="..."] } group beamArea { description = "Beam\nArea\n\n" daq1 [description="DAQ 1"] daq2 [description="DAQ 2"] daq3 [description="..."] } } } } ``` <div style="font-size: smaller; text-align: left"> - Computers been shipped: fixed ip configured - Others: dynamical by default </div> <div style="font-size: small; text-align: left"> _BTW: all motherboard batteries removed, so a key pressing needed during boot_ </div> --- ### Network Ports Usage Details | Switch 1: <br>control room | 16 | Switch 2: <br>beam area | 16 | | -------------------------- | --- | ----------------------- | --- | | Outgoing | 1 | Outgoing | 1 | | Monitoring console | 1 | Camera DAQ | 1 | | | | Platform control | 1 | | | | Trigger | 1 | | | | TRD DAQ | 1 | | | | | | | available ports | 14 | available ports: | 11 | --- Detailed documentations and further information will be posted on TWiki https://twikinew.ihep.ac.cn/twikiherd/view/HERD/BeamTest2021Portal
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