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# Unplugged Computing for Children
*CHEP2019, Adelaide*
###### Authors: Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN), Eszter Badinova (CERN), Natalie Kane (CERN), Simona Kriva (CERN), Hannah Short (CERN)
# What?
"Unplugged" programming refers to programming without a computer.
# Why?
* Strong **demand** for computing tutorials for children from parents and the general public
* Many individuals working in Computing are keen to encourage the **next generation** and address **pipeline diversity** issues
* Bringing computers adds logistical difficulty, cost, distraction and is an extra learning curve for some children
* Enables high degree of interaction with participants
# How?
Tutorials developed primarily for 6 - 9 year olds. In **French** and **English**.
| Tutorial | Summary |
| --- | --- |
| Introduction to Programming | Participants learn about logic, loops and conditional statements using only paper components. |
| What's inside a Computer? | A basic introduction to Memory, CPU and graphical processors. Participants build a paper model. |
# Introduction to Programming
* Based on [1,2,3 Codez](https://www.fondation-lamap.org/fr/123codez), a French project to introduce students and teachers to computer science
* Supported by the foundation La main à la pâte, created in 2011 by the Académie des sciences and the Ecoles normales supérieures de Paris et de Lyon
* Participants take home a **booklet** containing further exercises


# What's inside a computer?
* Inspired by [Hello Ruby](https://www.helloruby.com/teach) Tutorial, [My First Computer](https://blog.helloruby.com/post/131553874873/for-educators-lesson-plan-for-my-first-computer)
* Role playing game extensions developed by CERN volunteers
* Participants take home a **paper model** of a computer


# Who?
The Women in Technology Community at CERN has been driving this initiative. Visit [cern.ch/wit/outreach](https://cern.ch/wit/outreach)

# What have we done so far?
During 2019 we have tutored approximately 450 children. Volunteer pool of men and women comprised of CERN members and alumni.
* March 9: [Semaine de L’Egalité](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/robotique-programmation-et-droits-pour-les-filles-tickets-54708612934#) (~80)
* April 25: [Girls in ICT Day](https://indico.cern.ch/event/801284/) (~50)
* September 14-15: [CERN Open](https://opendays.cern/site/meyrin/activities/robotics-and-programming-workshop-children) Days (~250)
* October 5: [EU Code Week](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/programming-robotics-and-rights-for-girls-at-eu-code-week-enfr-tickets-66760018011) (~80)
# Lessons learnt
* Wide variation in computer literacy, must be able to adapt to children's level
* School curriculum
* Parental Engagement
* Interested children return - more material needed!
* Time consuming - incentives (e.g. free T-Shirt, recognition as official CERN activity...) aid volunteer recruiting
* Children and parents want to continue at home, more awareness needed of available resources
# Next Steps
* Continue and expand to older age groups
* Hope that Science Gateway (see [Poster](https://indico.cern.ch/event/773049/contributions/3475417/)) will provide venue and resources for sustained workshop agenda
* Workshop material to be improved and made available
# Get involved!
Have ideas to share? Want to collaborate? Looking to volunteer?
* Visit https://women-in-technology.web.cern.ch/outreach
* Contact wit-matters-sc@cern.ch
*P.S. Outreach activities enhance all CVs!*
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