# Security Takeaways from Fermilab
###### D. Crooks, D. Kelsey, H. Short
# Recap
* Week of 9th of September spent at Fermilab
* 10th September, Pre-GDB
* WLCG AuthZ WG F-2-F
* AAI exercises with Fermilab and DUNE
* 12th September, mini-FIM4R
* Fermilab, Argonne, Brookhaven, DUNE, WLCG, IRIS + CiLogon, Indigo IAM, Internet2
# Key Outcomes
* WLCG Token Schema v1.0 published
* Progress made on several challenges at Fermilab/DUNE
* Information sharing between physics experiments/labs
# Topics for Continuation
* Combined assurance
* Trust fabric of OIDC/OAuth
* Guidance on Token Flows
* OAuth Challenges
* Additional attribute collection
# Combined Assurance
* Although combining low assurance certificates with high assurance VOs works technically, policy level is more complicated
* Assessment of identity proofing being addressed by **IGTF** and **JSPG**
* Aim to keep VO effort to a minimum
# Trust Fabric of OIDC/OAuth
* Now possible to separate transport/encryption from token siging
* What level of assurance required for each component?
* How to distribute trust anchors?
* Discussed in **EUGridPMA**
* Call planned in **WLCG AuthZ WG**
# Guidance on Token Flows
* DOMA WG will continue to run tests and prototypes in conjunction with the AuthZ WG
* **WLCG AuthZ WG** to produce guidelines based on workable models
# OAuth Challenges
Challenges proposed by Brian Bockelman

* Traceability challenge
* Multi-tenancy token issuer model
# Additional Attribute Collection
* Implementing federated identity means separating Authentication from Authorisation
* Care must be taken on which attributes are collected and shared
* VOs may have to play a larger role in collection of Authorisation data
# Next Steps
* Discussions to continue in IGTF, EUGridPMA, WLCG AuthZ WG, JSPG

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