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# Nexus (ASDF 4-Jul-2019)
Introducing the Nexus application template and Software Component Repository service
## What is Nexus?
Software development involves various artifacts (= by-products), in particular:
* binaries
* distribution packages (RPMs, Docker images, WAR...)
* dependencies (libraries...)
Nexus is a web app to store and organize these artifacts within _repositories_.
## History
Many ad-hoc instances of Nexus/Artifactory.
Prototype of centrally hosted Nexus instances cf. [November 2018 ASDF](https://indico.cern.ch/event/770202/) - a few early adopters.
Production in January 2019 with minor bugfixes.
SNow: [_Software Component Repository service_](https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/service-element.do?name=soft-comp-rep)
## What is offered
* Self-service application template in Openshift
* Preconfigured with SSO, e-groups, S3 storage, backup etc.
IT-CDA provides the infrastructure, maintains the template and deploys security updates.
Instance owners have full control on the configuration.
## Main use cases (rephrased)
1. Manage artifacts _produced_ by software development
* help with code reuse (components/libraries), build process
* one Nexus instance per large project/developer team
2. Manage artifacts _consumed_ by software development
* external dependencies (public repositories...)
* opportunity to centralize access
## External dependencies
Software projects typically use a large number of existing libraries.
They come from various public repositories, just a few big ones:
* EPEL: RPM packages (all languages - Yum repo format)
* pypi.org: PyPI packages (Python)
* Maven central: Maven repository (Java)
## Challenges with public repos
See [Computer Security article in Feb'19 Bulletin](https://home.cern/news/news/computing/computer-security-fatal-dependencies)
* identify a project's dependencies
* availability of specific version X.Y.Z
* vulnerabilities
* malicious takeover of package ownership
## Nexus as a repository proxy
* Centralize access to public repos
* Identify what external libraries have been used
* Local copy of specific versions
* Whitelist/blacklist sources
Typically set up by each developer team on the same Nexus/Artifactory instance used to store the artifacts they produce.
## Central repo proxy?
* [linuxsoft](http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/) provides curated local mirror of Yum repositories
* [CNIC](http://information-technology.web.cern.ch/about/meeting/cnic-meetings) expressed interest in similar functionality for other repo formats: PyPI, Maven...
* Nexus might be an option to provide such functionality
## Nexus as a central repo proxy
* Readily available, infrastructure, updates
Possible challenge:
* Limited options for scaling/HA in OSS version
Whatever the technical solution:
* Preconfigure each developer team's Nexus instance to use central proxy as upstream
* Curator needed to maintain list of sources, whitelist/blacklist
## Software distribution
* Nexus can act as a software distribution point
* Non-RPM package formats (RPM = linuxsoft)
* E.g. reuse in-house libraries across teams
* Interest in federating them in a central distribution point?
digraph distribution {
"nexus-devteam1/public" -> "cern-software-repo/devteam1,2...";
"nexus-devteam2/public" -> "cern-software-repo/devteam1,2...";
"nexus-.../public" -> "cern-software-repo/devteam1,2...";
## Summary
* IT now offers central hosting of Nexus instances
* self-service, per developer team
* previously required ad-hoc installations
* May also be the foundation of new central services
* control access to external libraries
* distribute CERN software