--- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_b7dd6ac18ad9660099039cc094f7e3a5.jpg" data-background-opacity=".2" --> ## Open Source at CERN and WLCG ###### Giacomo Tenaglia for CERN OSPO - WLCG OTF - 2025-02-11 --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_880481a541fcad981a8210a5ad1e6dbc.png" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity=".1" --> ## Open Source ###### Software and Hardware * Open Source Software ([definition](https://opensource.org/osd/)): * Uses copyright to permit the 4 freedoms of software (use, study, share, improve) via *special licenses*. * Open Source Hardware ([definition](https://www.oshwa.org/definition/)): * Applies to hardware designs adding the freedom to manufacture. * [CERN Academic Training Open Source lecture series.](https://indico.cern.ch/e/opensource-2023) --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_880481a541fcad981a8210a5ad1e6dbc.png" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity=".1" --> ## Why focus on Open Source * Accelerate technology evaluation and adoption. * Facilitate interoperability by using open standards. * Attract engineering talent and ease the on-boarding process. * Increase institutional partnerships & collaborations. * Showcase impact and contributions to funding agencies and the general public. --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_880481a541fcad981a8210a5ad1e6dbc.png" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity=".1" --> ## Open Source at CERN ###### Milestones * 1970: [First CERN Computing and Data Handling School.](https://cds.cern.ch/record/186419) * 1978: H-BOOK collaboration / re-distribution with HEP sites. * 1983: [HEPVM tape distributed freely to more than 30 sites.](https://cerncourier.com/a/computing-at-cern-the-mainframe-era/) * 1984: [CERN makes Cernlib "freely available" to other labs.](https://ref.web.cern.ch/ref/CERN/CNL/2001/001/cernlib/) * 1994: ["Licensing the Web" as Open Source.](https://home.cern/science/computing/birth-web/licensing-web) * 2011: [CERN Open Hardware License released.](https://cern-ohl.web.cern.ch/) * 2012: [CERN Open Source License Task Force report.](https://cds.cern.ch/record/1482206?ln=en) * 2019: [MALT project.](https://malt.web.cern.ch/malt/) * 2022: [CERN Open Science Policy.](https://openscience.cern/policies) * 2023: [Creation of CERN Open Source Program Office.](https://opensource.cern) --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_b69f22b42c84f261e11aff7a80cf5ccf.png" data-background-size="60%" data-background-opacity=".1" --> ## CERN OSPO * Official body at CERN ([mandate](https://cds.cern.ch/record/2879995)) to support open-source hardware + software. * Cross-organisation board of practitioners with 5-20% dedicated to the OSPO. * A few on-going initiatives: * [Technical website](https://ospo.docs.cern.ch). * [Project with Software Heritage](https://opensource.cern/cern-open-source-heritage): measuring impact. * CERN-made software/hardware catalogues. * Track dependency on OSS components for critical services. * Finding ways to contribute back to OSS we rely on. --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_5404372aaa4f83ee37d9e7a7e7ce0bd7.jpg" data-background-opacity=".3" --> ## Open Source Software at WLCG * Most (all?) SW used at sites participating in WLCG is open-source. * HEP-specific: developed and maintained by sites: * CTA, dCache, EOS, HTCondor, IAM, ROOT, Rucio, ... * Off the shelf infrastructure components: * Grafana, Linux, Kubernetes, Openstack, Puppet, ... * "Long tail" of software dependencies. --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_5404372aaa4f83ee37d9e7a7e7ce0bd7.jpg" data-background-opacity=".3" --> ## Outbound focus ###### Producing Open Source Software * Recommended publishing/project management practices: * License of choice, how to accept contributions, ... * Code repository presence and "branding": * Gitlab/Github/HEPforge/... * Automation on license & ©: * The [REUSE framework](https://reuse.software). --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_5404372aaa4f83ee37d9e7a7e7ce0bd7.jpg" data-background-opacity=".3" --> ## Inbound focus ###### Consuming Open Source Software * Identification of dependency "long tail": * Software Composition Analysis/SBOM/... * Analyse & remediate shared dependencies health: * Get involved vs. fund vs. replace. * Watch OSS trends in the WLCG problem space. --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_5404372aaa4f83ee37d9e7a7e7ce0bd7.jpg" data-background-opacity=".3" --> ## Internal/external collaboration * :heavy_check_mark: Raise awareness. * Internal WLCG Open Source experts network/WG: * What's the state of OSPOs across sites? * Work on common items/synergies. * Coordinated outreach initiatives (conferences/blogs/...). --- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_9acdf0c705a31723d896e06aafbbdd4f.jpg" data-background-opacity=".1" --> ## Thank you! <table style="border: none;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right;"><a href="https://ospo.docs.cern.ch">https://ospo.docs.cern.ch</a></td> <td>CERN OSPO Technical Documentation</td> </tr> <tr style="border: none;"> <td style="text-align: right;"><a href="https://ospo.web.cern.ch/">https://ospo.web.cern.ch/</a></td> <td>CERN OSPO Forum (CERN account required)</td> </tr> <tr style="border: none;"> <td style="text-align: right;"><a href="mailto:Open.Source@cern.ch">Open.Source@cern.ch</a></td> <td>CERN OSPO</td> </tr> <tr style="border: none;"> <td style="text-align: right;"><a href="mailto:Giacomo.Tenaglia@cern.ch">Giacomo.Tenaglia@cern.ch</a></td> <td>My contact</td> </tr> <tr style="border: none;"> <td style="text-align: right;"><a href="https://indico.cern.ch/event/1508675">"Success, Open Source and You: Maximising the impact of your open-source contribution"</a></td> <td>Feb 21st OSPO event</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ---
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