--- ### **Abusing Helm library chart and values for fun and profit** ----- Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre ----- #### 27 April 2022 --- ### My personal infrastructure managed on k3s - Deployed with Ansible - Using flux 2 - Sops GPG for secrets - Cilium as a CNI - kube-proxy less, egress NAT, Transparent Encryption with WireGuard - Deployed using Helm and Kustomize - Updated via renovate and github action ---- - nginx-ingress - cert-manager w/ LE and OVH DNS verification - external-dns w/ OVH DNS - node-feature-discovery & intel-gpu-plugin - OpenEBS w/ local storage - Backup w/ velero on Scaleway S3 (free below 75 Go) --- ### Helm charts - Hard to create and maintain correctly - Charts often lacks certains options - Contributing to the chart or forking it internally - Patching resource with kustomize as post render - Patching resources by calling Helm from kustomize - Not using Helm - But... nice and easy to use (usually) --- ### k8s-at-home A community of people who run Kubernetes at home that provides: - ~200 Helm charts - ~30 container images ---- ## Let's look at their Charts! ---- - Easy to create a Chart - ~50 lines of values are needed - You can use the common lib for your own chart! - No "common" options will be forgotten - And by contributing to the common chart you add the feature for every charts at once - Every charts will have similar values --- ## Questions ? ---
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