### Applying AAOPS to the WLCG Token Profile and Kubernetes deployments
EUGridPMA, 23/01/2020
Hannah Short, CERN
- https://www.eugridpma.org/guidelines/aaops/
- Guidelines for operating a trusted attribute authority
- "Pull model" e.g. LDAP Lookup
- "Push model" e.g. OIDC Token Issuer
- Plenty of practical guidance as well as numbered requirements

# WLCG Token Profile
- Published September 2019 https://zenodo.org/record/3460258#.XihMWS2ZMUE
- Defines the contents of JSON Web Tokens used within WLCG Infrastructure
- Defines lifetimes of various OIDC features

# IAM Deployment
- INDIGO IAM is chosen Token Issuer for WLCG
- Current deployments are on Kubernetes
- Is this OK?
### Operational Guidelines

### Timelines

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