Where to store FAQs of CDA services
Maria Dimou
With input from:
Thomas Baron, Natalie Kane
Ismael Posada, Catarina Vieira
In use today
1. SNow KBs (the only form of FAQs, Level 1,2 supporters, agree to use) and/or
1. Sections in the Public or Administration Guides.
FAQs should be in _one_ place, else the users will be discouraged. The question is _where_?
Alt A: FAQs in _discourse_ for _new_ services
With just one SNow KBs that points there.
[See the IT e-learning service example](https://discourse.web.cern.ch/c/IT-e-learning).
Issues with A?
Discourse is good as discussion forum but not for FAQs.
They require up-to-dateness, structure and autonomy of the service owner to create/delete topics.
* _Sub-categories_ can only be created by the discourse moderators=>no autonomy to change internal classification.
* _Topics_ can only be deleted by the discourse moderators.
* A user with Edit rights can only delete a post , [not a Topic](https://discourse.web.cern.ch/t/how-do-i-delete-a-topic/466).
* People with moderator rights have all powers on all categories of the discourse instance. A non-desirable responsibility.
* When one clicks on a topic, 'suggested topics' appear at the page bottom that can be from other categories and confuse novice users. [Example](https://discourse.web.cern.ch/t/screen-recording-tools/467)
Alt B: FAQs in the Service Documentation
Also for **new services**, a FAQ section in the Public Service Site (Markdown) with restrictions set, where appropriate, for the Administrator sections.
With just one SNow KBs that points there. [Example](http://it-e-learning.web.cern.ch/it-e-learning/video/faq/)
Issues with B?
Service managers with many SNow KBs remind us of features we'll miss:
* SNow generates automatic reminders prompting for update.
* The SNow KBs can be updated by the supporters, not only the service managers. We'd have to persuade the supporters and complicate edit rights in gitlab so they can update the FAQs in Markdown.
* SNow sends automatic notifications about new KBs showing up.
store FAQs?
### Lets discuss!