# Status of CERN Authentication and Authorisation
##### Asier Aguado Corman, Hannah Short, Adeel Ahmad, Maria Fava, Sebastian Lopienski, Antonio Nappi, Paolo Tedesco
###### HEPiX Spring 2023
# Summary
1. Our service
2. Architecture summary
3. Single Sign-On software and customisations
4. Special authentication use cases
6.1. Machine to machine authentication
6.2. Command line access
5. Two-factor authentication
6. Other challenges and future roadmap
### What our service offers
**Identity Management**
Identity and account lifecycle.
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**Authentication and Authorisation**
- Single Sign-On
- OAuth, OpenID Connect and SAML.
- Groups, Roles and levels of access/assurance (LoA).
- X.509 Certificate Authorities
- Not covered in this presentation.
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**Computing Resource management**
- Manage computing resource ownership
- Such as websites, database accounts.
- Automatically reassign or delete resources
- Based on elegibility (e.g. no longer at CERN).
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### Current usage
- 35,000 individual users
- 25,000 logins per day
- **More than 9,000 applications and websites**
### CERN AAI Architecture

### Single Sign-On
- Based on the open source product [Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/)
- Uses OpenID Connect (OIDC) and SAML standards
- Replaces the old SSO based on ADFS
- Customised to fit our use case
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### Overall Impression
- Positives
- Upstream project of [Red Hat Single Sign-On](https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-single-sign-on)
- [Keycloak community](https://www.keycloak.org/community) is very active
- Project [applied to CNCF](https://github.com/cncf/toc/pull/463) for incubation
- Good compliance with OIDC and SAML standards
- More focus on OIDC
- More features are getting added
- The initial releases needed more customization
- Scalability and performance have improved

- Negatives
- Occasional bugs causing some integrations to break
- [Recent bug in SAML response](https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/issues/14529) affecting the Microsoft federation
- It was resolved very quickly
- Uncertainty about future database support
- MySQL and Oracle [will be dropped](https://www.keycloak.org/2022/02/dbs)
### SSO Customisations
- Keycloak extensions: Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs)
- Mappers to fetch user properties externally
- Groups and Roles from outside Keycloak
- Custom Level of Assurance implementation (before LoA was introduced in Keycloak)
- Endpoint to get API tokens for any audience: uses Client Credentials Grant with an `audience` field
- Endpoint to validate OTP codes: we use it together with a PAM module for 2FA over SSH
- Compromised password detection: we compare input passwords with a database of leaked passwords. This allowed us to stop annual password changes.
- Keycloak Configuration
- Optional 2FA in a second realm: we will move to step up 2FA now that is has been introduced
- Account management is disabled: we use our own external database, API and portals
- Wrappers
- A Keycloak REST Adapter developed over the Keycloak Admin API, e.g. to reset 2FA. This was made available on Github for other communities.
#### Application Portal
Users can register their applications in this portal.

#### 2FA settings in Users Portal
Account console is disabled in Keycloak.

#### HTTP Endpoint to verify 2FA codes
Adds new possibilities for two-factor authentication.
$ ssh aaguadoc@aiadm.cern.ch
(aaguadoc@aiadm.cern.ch) Your 2nd factor (aaguadoc): 123456
### Machine to machine authentication
A service authenticates to another service where it **doesn't necessarily have control or credentials**.
- Old approach: Cookie based authentication, using a command line tool logs into the SSO using Kerberos and SPNEGO and saves cookies into a file.
- We developed the same tool for the new SSO.
- Modern approach: OAuth2 and JWT.
- OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant.
- Custom _API Access_ endpoint to replace audiences.
- Role based access control
$ kinit -t myservice.keytab myservice@CERN.CH
$ auth-get-sso-cookie -u https://myapi.cern.ch -o cookies.txt
$ curl -L -b cookies.txt https://myapi.cern.ch/foobar
$ curl --location --request POST "https://auth.cern.ch/auth/realms/cern/api-access/token" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode "client_id=my-client-id" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=bdebbdcc-c33c-11ed-b0a8-3822e22949e4" \
--data-urlencode "audience=myapi" | jq -r .access_token > token.txt
$ token=$(<token.txt)
$ curl -X PUT "https://myapi.cern.ch/api/foobar" -H "authorization: Bearer $token" -d "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"
### Command line access
Accessing protected web resources from a CLI through `wget`, `curl` or similar.
- Old approach: Same command line tool as in the previous use case
- Modern approach: OAuth2 Device Authorization Grant.
- Users log in using a web browser window outside the terminal.
- Positive: Compatible with all modern 2FA protocols.
- Negative: Resistance towards moving to this because it requires a round trip to a browser
$ kinit
Password for aaguadoc@CERN.CH:
$ auth-get-sso-cookie -u https://the-target-api.cern.ch -o cookies.txt
$ curl -L -b cookies.txt https://the-target-api.cern.ch/foobar
$ auth-get-user-token -c myapi -x -o token.txt
On your tablet, phone or computer, go to:
and enter the following code:
You may also open the following link directly and follow the instructions:
Waiting for login...
$ token=$(<token.txt)
$ curl -X PUT "https://myapi.cern.ch/api/foobar" -H "authorization: Bearer $token" -d "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"
### Two-factor authentication
The new SSO supports
- Authenticator Applications (OTP)
- Security Keys and other hardware (WebAuthn)
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#### New 2FA strategy
- CERN was previously using step-up 2FA, which was not supported by Keycloak.
- We decided to enforce 2FA to every login of a critical account:
- Defined _critical users_ instead of _critical applications_.
- The change was well received by users who already used 2FA daily.
- Poor reception by users who occasionally used _critical applications_, 2FA on every login means less convenience (especially for mobile).
- Possible changes after user feedback:
- Step up 2FA defined by critical applications.
- Non-critical users can opt-in for _always-on_ 2FA.
- Reassess critical user membership.
### _Always-on_ 2FA Rollout
September 2022:
About 1600 users
March 2023:
**2248 users**
### 2FA Support Cases
- TOTP cases where phone clock out of sync and codes invalid.
- Some clash between Yubikeys and native Windows/Mac WebAuthn fingerprint protocol.
- Plenty of lost tokens. Procedure established where the security team can verify an identity over Zoom before resetting the token.
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### Other challenges
- Growing number user sessions
- Mitigated with built-in user session limit
- High (and growing) number of clients (applications)
- Number of clients seems usually lower in the Keycloak community
- Performance issues in the past, it is getting better
### Impact of Keycloak 19 upgrade
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### Old to new SSO migration status

### Future roadmap
- Decomissioning old SSO by H2 2023
- Moving Keycloak to Kubernetes by H2 2023
- Remove the second realm for 2FA
- More details on our [documentation page](https://auth.docs.cern.ch/#roadmap)
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