## Push Notifications Update ### Pablo Roncero #### 11/06/2019 --- ### Team organization * Project manager: Nicola Tarocco * Developers: * Joel Alcala (20%) * Pablo Roncero (100%) --- ### System Architecture ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_d149cd12709a1104732f1b8559536acb.png) --- ### Backend * Authentication: * The API is integrated with CERN SSO. * Services that want to send notifications need an API key. * Integration with Keycloak almost done. * Sending notifications: * Using the API. * Using the mail gateway. ([egroup]@push.cern.ch) --- ### Mobile application * We have organized two sprints to obtain use cases and the first features of the system. * The first prototype of the mobile app has been developed and it is ready to be tested. --- ### Mobile application ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_f1c096730bd6062777a5fc7b9a042b4f.png =300x) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_673dc41b9ad6b079f3de8b0039349b1a.png =300x) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8d13f1491c24c2a8f56d25b4cb4616a1.png =300x) --- ### Plans * Test the mobile app prototype in order to find bugs and new ideas on how to improve the application. * Implement the new features obtained during test phase. * Start the integration of the system with MyCERN app. * Start the implementation of the desktop client that will replace CERN alerter. --- ### We need * Services interested in collaborate with the test group. * Test users that help us to improve the application. * We will need more people working on the system (depending on when we want to have the release version) --- ### Questions?
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