# pytimber with NXCALS
R. De Maria, P. Sowinski, P. Elson
Thanks to L. Coyle, T. Ytterdal, M. Hostletter, NXCALS team
## pytimber
* pytimber is simple wrapper to Logging Service APIs (CALS and now NXCALS)
* pytimber development is community driven and officially supported by CO
* contacts: [mattermost acc-py channel](https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/acc-py/channels/town-square), acc-logging-support@cern.ch
* Version 3.0.x is being released and brings:
* First NXCALS support using the backport API and experimental native API
* Drop support for Python <3.6 and jpype <0.7.1
* Various fixes and improvements
* pytimber 3.0.x will be proposed for installation in the next LCG release (LCG98 probably)
## pytimber installation
* In a recent own-managed python stack:
pip install pytimber
In SWAN or acc-py the instruction are more complex due to some specific feature of the LCG stack, but it will be simpler in the future.
## pytimber installation: Swan (1)
* In Swan (stack "96 Python3"):
!curl -s https://gitlab.cern.ch/snippets/1130/raw -o .install_pytimber.py
%run .install_pytimber.py
This will not be needed whenever the new pytimber version will be installed in the distribution.
## pytimber installation: Swan (2)
(second recipe depracated)
* In Swan (stack "96 Python3"):
#Always on the top of your notebooks#
import sys, site; sys.path.insert(0, site.USER_SITE)
import os
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = f"{site.USER_SITE}:{os.environ['PYTHONPATH']}"
#Install modules: only once#
!pip install --upgrade pip --user
!~/.local/bin/pip install pytimber --user
# end installation
import pytimber
This will not be needed whenever the new pytimber version will be installed in the distribution.
## pytimber installation: lxplus
* In lxplus terminal:
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_97python3/x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt/setup.sh
python -m venv $VENV_PATH
source $VENV_PATH/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=$VENV_PATH/lib/python3.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
python -m pip install -U pytimber
## pytimber installation: technical network
* In technical network terminal:
source /acc/local/share/python/acc-py/pro/setup.sh
acc-py venv $VENV_PATH
source $VENV_PATH/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U pytimber
## pytimber installation: dev version
For the development version of pytimber use instead:
pip install -U git+https://gitlab.cern.ch/scripting-tools/pytimber/
## pytimber with NXCALS (1)
1. Request acc-logging-support@cern.ch for permission to use NXCALS as explained at:
## pytimber with NXCALS (2)
2. Using backport API:
`import pytimber`
`pytimber.check_kerberos() #For Swan only`
Your existing scripts should work without modifications (if not, contact support).
## pytimber with NXCALS (3)
3. Using native Java API from Python (experimental) to access spark queries:
`import pytimber`
`pytimber.check_kerberos() #For Swan only`
See https://github.com/rdemaria/pytimber/blob/master/examples/nxcals_example.py
This functionality was implemented when the backport API was not avaialable. It is not clear if there is still an use case, since it overlaps with pyspark.
## Using Backport API in pytimber
* Backport API mimics CALS API but it is not a full drop-in replacement
* pytimber porting triggered Backport API improvements (thanks to NXCALS team)
* Main differences with CALS
* needs a kerberos token
* requires similarly named packages
* returns similarly named objects
* still missing methods (e.g. hierarchy)
* ~~nxcals returns extra nulls~~ (fixed from NXCALS 0.4.20)
## Using Backport API in pytimber
* In pytimber we needed to duplicate and modify a fraction of the code:
* Java: 84 LOC for CALS -> extra 132 LOC
* Python: 5 LOC for CALS -> extra 60 LOC
* About 20 person x days required for the process over the last three months
## Code differences: Java (1)
public static double[] doubleData(TimeseriesDataSet dataSet) {
return dataSet.stream().map(NumericDoubleData.class::cast)
public static double[] doubleData(TimeseriesDataSet dataSet) {
return dataSet.stream().filter(BackPortDataSets::isNotNullValue)
.mapToDouble(timeseriesData -> {
try {
return timeseriesData.getDoubleValue();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
same for other types
## Code differences: Python (1)
Initialization of the service
if source == "nxcals":
self._System = jpype.java.lang.System
ServiceBuilder = jpype.JPackage(
builder = ServiceBuilder.getInstance()
self._md = builder.createMetaService()
self._ts = builder.createTimeseriesService()
self._FillService = builder.createLHCFillService()
self._VariableDataType = jpype.JPackage(
else: #CALS
DataLocPrefs = jpype.JPackage(
loc = {
"mdb": DataLocPrefs.MDB_PRO,
"ldb": DataLocPrefs.LDB_PRO,
"all": DataLocPrefs.MDB_AND_LDB_PRO,
ServiceBuilder = jpype.JPackage(
builder = ServiceBuilder.getInstance(appid, clientid, loc)
self._builder = builder
self._md = builder.createMetaService()
self._ts = builder.createTimeseriesService()
self._FillService = builder.createLHCFillService()
self._VariableDataType = jpype.JPackage(
## Code differences Python (2)
Differentiating classes
def toTimescale(self, timescale_list):
if self._source == "nxcals":
Timescale = jpype.JPackage(
Timescale = jpype.JPackage(
## Code differences (3)
Differentiating classes
if self._source == "nxcals":
PrimitiveDataSets = jpype.JPackage(
PrimitiveDataSets = jpype.JPackage(
## Code differences (4)
Different approach for data unpacking
if self._source == "nxcals":
ds = dataset
if datatype == "NUMERIC":
ds = np.array([d.getDoubleValue() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
ds = np.array([d.getLongValue() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
self._log.warning("unsupported datatype, returning the java object")
elif datatype == "VECTORNUMERIC":
ds = np.array([d.getDoubleValues() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
ds = np.array([d.getLongValues() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
self._log.warning("unsupported datatype, returning the java object")
elif datatype == "TEXTUAL":
ds = np.array([d.getVarcharValue() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
self._log.warning("unsupported datatype, returning the java object")
elif datatype == "VECTORSTRING":
ds = np.array([d.getStringValues() for d in ds])
except jpype.java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
self._log.warning("unsupported datatype, returning the java object")
self._log.warning("unsupported datatype, returning the java object")
return (timestamps, ds)
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