The CERN-Solid Proof of Concept (PoC)
[Maria Dimou (CERN)](
Presentation for the [10th August 2021 Women of Solid meetup](
## How did this PoC start
From creative thinking and lobbying in [the CERN-Solid gitter channel](
1. [Jan Schill]( looking for a MSc thesis subject for himself.
2. [Maria Dimou]( wrote [this project description](
3. CERN and Solid experts supported us and answered our questions between September 2020 and June 2021.
4. [This excellent quality thesis]( came out at the end.
## Overview
* **Solid terms' reminder**
1. What Is Solid?
3. What Is a Solid Pod
4. What Is a Solid server
* **The CERN-Solid Proof of Concept (PoC)**
1. _Comments_ in Indico events
2. Indico Conference _Registration_ from pod data.
### Solid
* **So**cial **Li**nked **D**ata, is a project, a standard, an ecosystem, a movement and a community initiated by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
* Allows people to control _where_ their own data are stored and _who_ has access to them.
* It combines existing W3C standards and is built on top of the existing Web.
### The Solid pod
A decentralised data store for one’s personal data. A pod (*) is like a secure personal Web server for all kinds of data.
* Data is stored as _Linked Data_, i.e. the resource gets its own HTTP URI on the Web.
* The pod is described by a unique WebID. WebID examples:
(*) Pod: a protective container (from the Webster dictionary).
### The Solid server
A Web server that stores users’ pods, with support for access control.
Reminder of some Solid server implementations in the appendix.
### Ideally Solid is about escaping from this situation

_Taken from: [](
## The CERN-Solid code investigation project
1. **Review Solid specifications**
2. **Evaluate Solid implementations**
3. **Enrich Indico with Solid principles**
* _Comments_ in Indico events via Solid pod authentication.
* _Registration_ in Indico conferences with personal data taken from the Solid pod.
4. **Make Recommendations on Solid adoption in CERN applications**
5. **Document challenges, advantages, gaps**
## What is Indico
* A CERN-developed open-source tool for event organisation, archival and collaboration.
* [Indico]( is used every day at CERN to manage more than 600,000 events of different complexities and 200 meeting and conference rooms.
* Also adopted by UN agencies and other organisations.
* Resilient and reliable for over 20 years.
* Indico has no incentive for user data in modules of:
* Meeting comments
* Conference registration
### Points 1 & 2
* Done in the September-December 2020 period.
* Presented to the CERN community in January 2021.
* Slides [attached to this event](
* Detailed report [attached to this event](
### Details on the Proof of Concept (PoC)
### Comments to Indico events via Solid pod authentication

### What you see in your pod

### Details on the code for _Comments_
* Client-side developed JavaScript application
* Self-contained, can be re-used in other applications
* Stores one comment in one file on data pod
* Communicates with data pod directly
* Needs authenticated Indico session
* Indico holds the reference to the location of comment
### Indico conference registration via Solid pod data - prompt

### Indico conference registration via Solid pod data - list of registrations

### Indico conference registration via Solid pod data - Linked Data
| LD: Subject | LD: Predicate | LD: Object | Indico form |
| ----------- | ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- |
| #me | ns:fn | "Jan Schill" | name="first_name" |
| #me | ns:fn | "Jan Schill" | name="last_name" |
| #me | ns:hasEmail | <> | name="email" |
| #me | ns:gender | "Male" | Label="Gender" |
*ns =*
### Details on the code for _Conference Registrations_
* **Design of implemented module**: retrieve personal information **for** an Indico conference registration **from** data pod
* Original idea to store personal information **of** conference registration **in** data pod abandoned due to:
* Sensitivity of payment details requiring reliable data retrieval
* Archival of events need the data at Indico
* Management of events/conference need performant data retrieval
## Challenges with Solid status today
* Few applications using Solid pods so far
* Very old-fashion pod UI
* No formal support for the open source solutions.
* A great enthusiasm in gitter though!
* Solid being a living standard, the specifications also evolve, especially in the Access Control area, leading to varying server implementations.
==> Impact on test-suite results.
## Strategic decisions for CERN
Despite the challenges the Solid project has:
* Government agencies that embrace it officially (UK NHS, Flanders' administration)
* Often start-ups show Solid pod interfaces at the monthly Solid World webinar.
* Almost 2K members in [the Solid gitter chat](
* It is strategically and ideologically important for CERN to be engaged with Solid.
## Conclusions
For the above-explained reasons we recommend that:
* we install the Community Solid Server (CSS) at CERN - CSS completion announced on 2021-08-05.
* integrate it with the CERN Single Sign-On (SSO).
* develop an attractive UI with open source tools.
* investigate the usage of [CERNBox]( as a Solid server through [solid-nextcloud plugin](
See [the Policy document]( for details.
## Useful use case for CERN
**Providing Solid pods to all CERN users would answer the cross-app "CERN user profile" aspiration**
Some CERN apps offer user profiles, e.g. Indico:

These are _not_ owned by the user, nor can they contain any data of the user's choice.
To go further, now lobbying for resources to work on the [follow-on project](
## Appendix: Solid Servers today
A Solid server is a Web server that stores users’ pods, with support for access control.
1. **Node Solid Server (NSS):** _Open Source_ server by the MIT Solid team since 2016.
2. **Enterprise Solid Server (ESS):** inrupt’s commercial _Closed Source_ alternative, based on [Trellis]( Launched in November 2020. [Article](
3. **Community Solid Server (CSS):** _Open Source_ project by Ghent University, paid for by inrupt, to write a Solid Server from scratch in [TypeScript](
4. More servers like PHP or Ruby are in the making.
## Thank You
Jan Schill for fantastic work
Tim Berners-Lee for guidance
Michiel de Jong for Solid expertise
Ruben Verborgh for reading the Policy note
CERN management and colleagues for following this work with interest
## References
* [CERN-Solid entry point](
* [CERN-Solid chat](
* [The PoC Project description](
* [The PoC Project repo](
* [Follow-on project](
* [Policy document for a CERN Solid server](
## References historical
Past efforts to keep CERN involved in the future of the Web:
* [The CERN Web Office in the 1990ies (most data missing today)](
* [CERN Web operations' paper and slides when the servers were numbered](
* [CERN-W3C collaboration 2014 proposal](
* [CERN-W3Ccollaboration 2017 proposal](
## Thank you for listening