# Windows Desktop Service
### From computer to user centric IT
##### Sebastien Dellabella - CERN - IT-CDA-AD
###### Hepix - Spring 2021
### Agenda
- The "CERN-managed devices" model
- The new management model
- What are the motivations behind this change?
- What are the user's needs in this new model ?
- New services available
- Soon to come
### The "CERN-managed devices" model
#### Overview
- Every single Windows computer needing direct access to central resources was enrolled into the CERN Windows domain
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_bfcf9ece26c15c536b8af95101fa4946.png" width="33%">
#### Everything was restricted
- Domain GPOs to apply restrictions and security settings
- Domain GPPs to modify defaut settings and populate resources such as network drives
- Software installation performed using a "Deployment Software Tool" (CMF at CERN)
- Security updates managed by WSUS but distributed using CMF on a forced schedule
- **Everything was monitored, under control, and we liked it...but at some point, we thought we could propose something better.**
### The new management model
- We are now proposing a **new management model** for both CERN-owned and user-owned Windows computers called **"self-managed devices"**
- This new model **give back the power to the user and let him manage his machine at his own pace**
- Users opting for this model receive
- same support
- same software offer than for the traditional management model
- **The current restricted model remain available** for tightly controlled machines (control rooms, experiments)
### What are the motivations behind this change?
- Nowadays, people are used to share usage of their devices between work and private life (smartphones, laptops)
- Users can bring their own devices (BYOD) onsite
- With actual IT resources and new ways of work, such as teleworking, the user's office with a workstation is not anymore the only place someone can work and be productive
- **It's the user, not the computer, that needs to be the center of attention**
#### Software licences assignment scheme changed from "per machine", to "per user".
- **Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, etc.**, a lot of editors changed the rules and propose now **"per user" subscription by default**
- The same software can be available on different platform such as desktops computers, mobile devices or even online as a website, everywhere with the same licence.
- **Usages patterns have changed, more flexibility is both possible and required**
#### Windows 10 proved more security-aware than any other version before
- Better antivirus protection (Microsoft Defender)
- Better identity protection (Windows Hello)
- Better data protection (Bitlocker)
- Better overall security (UEFI, secure boot)
- etc.
### What are the user's needs in this new model?
- Installing/using CERN software remotely
- Keeping the machine secure
- Accessing personal/shared files remotely
- Printing
#### How do we address them?
- Based on existing services such as:
- DFS Gateway
- And new services created (or under development) around this vision
- Streamlined Windows Setup (SWS)
- CERN Appstore
- Print4Visitors (to be renamed)
#### Streamlined Windows Setup
- The place where everything begins (https://cern.ch/sws)
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8e133054b8a7678b757cf93affa2e08d.png" width="60%">
### Installing/using CERN software remotely
#### The CERN Appstore
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_abb8f07170af1cbdf0877da4d0d9463f.png" width="50%">
- Only require installation of a client on the machine
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8c112e49c3212fae7d1249ad7cdfe67b.png" width="65%">
- Update itself automatically
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_369d73177be968e17f7a13b34cb3496c.png" width="85%">
- Comprehensive UI with categories on the left tab and search bar at the top
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_a5ff29fdf37f771c43e3a08330221ab7.png" width="75%">
- Major part of applications are available both in CMF and the CERN Appstore
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_920e800fcc59b01f2395ae0c0ca6988e.png" width="75%">
#### The CERN Appstore
- The CERN Appstore is based on:
- Chocolatey (https://chocolatey.org)
- Nexus repository (https://www.sonatype.com/)
- It uses chocolatey community feed for well-known packages
- CERN specific feed for CERN licenced softwares
- It's multi-platform : Windows, Android, Linux, etc.
- **It's open-source !**
- The gitlab will become public in the first half of the year
### Keeping the system secure
#### System updates
- Switching back to vendor update mechanism
- With follow-up, if necessary
#### EDR
- Endpoint detection and response: technology to continually monitor and respond to mitigate cyber threats.
- Selection process is in progress
- With the intention of making it availale to both CERN-managed and Self-managed devices
### Accessing personal/shared files remotely
#### CERNBox
- Access personal files from any platform (Web, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, IOS) and from anywhere
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_9310bfd9d1fd6049ed1ae2b58cae1ac7.png" width="45%">
- OpenXML (.docx,etc.), Open Document Format (.odt,etc.), Draw.io files, all of them can be opened and edited directly in CERNBox
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_3401406b36cd6ee21a13f48aa363c6d2.png" width="65%">
- Sync personal files locally with the CERNBox client
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_0f5426a15f09b911b1a22d2fbdfa8768.png" width="65%">
#### CERNBox
- CERNBox includes also other functionalities:
- Online editors and viewers
- Collabora Online
- Draw.IO (now called Diagrams.net)
- Gantt Chart Viewer
- Image files viewer
- CodiMD (markdown editor)
- File sharing
- File versioning
#### CERNBox for homefolders
- CERNBox is now the default solution for user home folders on **"CERN-managed devices"**
- On **"self-managed devices"**, CERNBox is the way to keep your CERN files secure and share your work
### Printing
#### Print4visitor
<img src="https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_3e726f18b57c1caa329fd3685b61a2ae.png" width="55%">
#### Print4visitor
- Automatically propose the nearest printers for a one-touch installation
- **It's open-source**
- The gitlab will become public in the first half of the year
- Yes, we'll rename it soon
### Soon to come
- Enabling the possibility for existing machines to switch from one management model to another
- EDR to be distributed both on "self-managed" and "CERN-managed" devices
- Make available the Gitlab for both the CERN AppStore and the Print4visitors software
- More applications in the CERN AppStore to be completely in line with CMF
### Questions ?
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