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# CERN's Identity and Access Management
CHEP November 7th 2019, Adelaide
*Presented by Hannah Short, CERN IT*
###### Authored by the Malt AAI Project Team: P. Tedesco, A. Aguado Corman, D. Fernandez Rodriguez, M. Georgiou, J. Rische, C. Schuszter, H. Short
# A Journey to Open Source
![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_57a3a465ca3a6fe9bfc63481e2640fee.png =400x400)
# Why change?
* Microsoft based Identity Management stack strongly affected by **License Fee price increase**
* Opportunity to **harmonise** CERN and WLCG Authentication & Authorization
* Focus on Data **Privacy** requires new authorization model
# Principles of change
* Identify suitable **alternatives** based on use cases
* Prioritise **Free and Open Source software**
* Stick to **standards**
* Contribute back and share knowledge
# Before
![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_d3409f7db221937a2934fe0f11573544.png =700x)
# After
![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_9f8ff9e8ee4136ae2af20864f0e72c6e.png =600x)
Note: SSO and LDAP are large cost components, FIM is not. Enabling OIDC and OAuth2, also what is happening in WLCG
# Timeline
title AAI Roadmap
section Single-Sign-On
Design : 2018-01-01, 300d
Development : 2018-12-31, 400d
Pilot : 2019-09-30, 300d
Migration : 2020-06-30, 900d
section Directory Services
Design : 2019-01-01, 300d
Development : 2019-06-31, 400d
Pilot : 2020-06-30, 300d
Migration : 2021-01-30, 900d
# What's changing?
# New Look
![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_56013db02f41140648b3475e111d00d0.png =600x)
# Roles
![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_ae566fcf691dc3006996719286f1d3b1.png =450x)
*Application owners decide on roles for their application and map them to user groups*
# Tokens
*OIDC support in addition to SAML*
"iss": "https://auth.cern.ch/auth/realms/cern",
"aud": "oidc-attribute-viewer",
"sub": "hshort",
"typ": "ID",
"cern_person_id": 777777,
"name": "Hannah Short",
"preferred_username": "hshort",
"cern_roles": [
"given_name": "Hannah",
"cern_preferred_language": "EN",
"family_name": "Short",
"email": "hannah.short@cern.ch",
"eduperson_orcid": "0000-0003-2187-0980",
"cern_upn": "hshort"
# Researcher Lifecycle Management
* Account linking
* Retirees to maintain access without CERN accounts
* [ORCID](https://orcid.org) Researcher Identifiers
# Get involved!
1. Become pilot users of the new Single-Sign-On
2. Enable [OAuth2](https://oauth.net/2/)/[OIDC](https://openid.net/connect/) for your use cases (web, grid)
4. Follow the [Malt Project](https://malt.web.cern.ch/malt/)'s progress
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