Solid World 2020-08-06 notes === **Summary** The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now. [The August 6th event](https://vimeo.com/446435972) was well attended. Participants fluctuated between 66-77. All material and next event (September 3rd @ 4PM) are available from [this page](https://solidproject.org/events). Progress is being made. This is very positive. Still, obtaining clear info on the _specifications and implementations' status_, in order to interface with the CERN Indico, CS3MESH, Zenodo, AuTH/AuthZ and _Push_ notifications' developers is hard. Questions posted to the various gitter solid chats and github solid issues sometimes get overrun by other posts, before getting an answer. The good news is that there are boxes in the _Roadmap_, where AuTH issues and verifiable credentials, Blogs, Media management&share, a Search UI and more are to be implemented. CERN's perfectly operational applications can give a lot of experienced input there. This started well with Hannah's participation in the Solid AuTH call on 2020/08/17. Inrupt, the company that promotes Solid will deliver _prizes_ for good implementations. We are also investigating if/what funding they can provide to students. So, please stay tuned and patient and join the **September 3rd Solid World** if you can. We are invited to present our projects and Solid-related opinions at the next one on October 1st. **Discussion items** 1. **Solid Roadmap Update** by Solid Director Tim Berners-Lee Sharing his thoughts on priorities for the Solid ecosystem how one can contribute. [The appended screenshot shows part of this page](https://solidos.solidcommunity.net/public/Roadmap/Tasks/). You need a _Solid Community login_ to access the page. ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_fea58184a95fb9e6cfdf3ca3fc33f2b0.png) [This link gives errors](https://solidos.solidcommunity.net/Team/). Maria D. reported to Sir Tim. Now [issue](https://github.com/solid/solid-ui/issues/330) under investigation. 2. **Community Solid Server (CSS) Architecture** by Solid Team Editor Ruben Verborgh What you can expect from the new open source server as well as how CSS addresses some of the roadmap goals. [Ruben's slides here](https://rubenverborgh.github.io/Solid-World-August-2020/) 3. **Inrupt Open Source Client Libraries** by Inrup Vice President of Product Oz Olivo An overview of client libraries from Inrupt as well as how they address parts of the roadmap. They are all under https://github.com/inrupt/ 4. **Some links copied from the Zoom chat** * [On Solid Apps' interoperability by Graham Jackson](https://medium.com/@JacksonMorgan/making-your-solid-apps-interoperable-with-shaperepo-com-8da512936073) * [Very slow - possibly buggy](https://solidos.solidcommunity.net/public/) * [Datacommons](http://datacommons.org/) Notes by Maria Dimou - CERN-Solid collaboration manager