Solid World 2021-06-03
The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now, especially the _Solid Roadmap_.
Material from this webinar will be available via
[Discussions on the event](
[Solid Vimeo link](
For more such reports, please see the notes of previous such webinars from the [CERN-Solid collaboration index](
Solid reorients data to be human-centric, with powerful implications for data regulation and compliance. This month we’ll explore Solid’s intersection with ideas like verifiable credentials, privacy-by-design, data reuse, and consent.
## Solid Roadmap Update
Tim Berners-Lee: Definitely each citizen of the Flanders region is getting a pod sponsored by the government. Read about the news from Flanders:
Thanks to Alain Bourgeois for keeping up-to-date with the latest version of the software.
Marrelle Bailey coordinates the [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group](
**Ruben Verborgh:** Verifiable Credentials (VCs) update. A mechanism to provide consent for data re-use. Example: your bank wishes to get access to users' pod. The pod owners express _consent_ for the data types allowed to access and the _duration_ of this consent.
**Osmar Olivo:** Inrupt software suite v.1.2 in the making. The v.1.1 release was focused on _security_, e.g. secure sessions, Access Controls etc. Now the focus is on _consent_.
## Eliott Behar Law
Role: Eliott Behar is a former criminal prosecutor, international war crimes prosecutor, and Security Counsel for Apple. He runs an international legal and consulting practice where he advises tech companies on data privacy and security and works on international human rights projects from West Africa to Iraq and Myanmar.
Topic: Eliott will talk about the topic of unlocking the potential of our privacy laws with Solid, based on work he's been doing applying the principles of Solid to GDPR. If privacy is to be meaningfully improved for users, the large but necessary next step is for engineers to actually start building privacy into the ways that users and their data interact with companies.
GDPR's lawful basis for processing data. There are 6 such basic principles. Solid certainly is GDPR-compliant because it does rely on user's consent. It is also important for the user to have _control_ over how their data is used.
Unfortunately most companies rely little on _consent_ and mostly on _legitimate interest_. Transparency today is mostly long policy documents. Data retention is also loosely defined in GDPR. The rule is "as long as the data is needed for processing".
With Solid the user should be able to see and authorise third-party processing of their own data.
How does this activity relate to W3C ODRL (Open Digital Rights Language)? [For info, see here](
## Digita – Tom Haegemans
Role: Co-Founder & Research Lead of Digita
Topic: Legal and UX aspects of data reuse with Solid.
Solid's Data reuse principle led to a research project documented in [Digita’s Resources page](
## Swedish Public Employment Service – Greg Golding & Anton Wiklund
Role: JobTech Development, Swedish Public Employment Service
Topic: Greg and Anton will present a brief summary of their team's recent investigation into the power of Solid to make it easier for citizens to apply for jobs online and to share their data - including digital credentials issued by various authorities - in a safe, secure and controlled manner.
JobTech is the swedish public employment service. The swedish government commissioned a Proof of Concept for Solid, with GDPR in mind.
The use-case is an app for unemployed people needing to access their own data in various public agencies and re-use it when applying for a job.
The job seeker connects to the employment web site and allows the required info for him/her to be taken from his/her pod. The recruiter will go to the same site and have access to the applicant's pod data.
When the job seeker finds a job position, he/she revokes all access to his pod for other employers.
To the legal question from Lal Chandran working for platform ( which uses solid pods for data escrow and backup. _who takes the legal liability for the data when you use a pod?_ [the answer is explained here]( (all in swedish but there is a short intro in english about the mission of this agency).
Questions still remain in government circles on whether all ownership of data relies exclusively with the user.
## Q & A
On an audience question on how to make available private heritage funds for research and public consultation:
## All info
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