Solid World 2020-10-01 notes
The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now.
The recording will be available via
### Sir Tim Berners-Lee
He suggested [the documentary "The Social Dilemma"]( shows well why Solid is important, i.e. in giving back to the users ownership of their data.
He gave an update of the **Solid roadmap**. The column _To be done this month_ helps to focus the effort. _Import and export contacts_ is top of the list at the moment. You can reach the appended page via You need to make yourself a solid community login.

He also mentioned:
* Solid client
* Pods in the Pocket
* Media Kraken
He acknowledged the Solid _processes_ are heavy but necessary. They shouldn't discourage the contribution effort.
### Ruben Verborgh - Gent university
He works on the [Community Solid Server](
He announced that the belgian government announced this week political commitment for all Flanders (6 million people) to be offered Solid data Pods.
### Oz Olivo - Inrupt
Inrupt enterprise server offers free data hosting for testing. Email if interested to get advance information.
* [Development priorities](
### Sarven Capadisli - Inrupt and W3C Solid Community Group chairperson
He showed work done around _Web Access Control_ (WAC)and the relevant use cases.
* join to see the groups.
### Justin Bingham & Josh Collins - Genetic Digital
Presented how Solid principles are used for a new application commissioned by the british National Health System to manage _Personal Health Stores_ with full control by the patients of their own data.
* Too many systems and devices
* Data inter-operability between disparate medical applications
* Indexes of one's personal medical history timeline.
### Jack Lawson - Inrupt
Presented on-going work using React SDK for Authentication, data visualisation and synchronisation components. Building Solid applications in React to simplify the IdP-Pod access. [See here an article on Solid Pods](
Notes by Maria Dimou - CERN-Solid collaboration manager