Solid World 2021-05-06 === **Summary** The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now, especially the _Solid Roadmap_. Material from this webinar will be available via https://solidproject.org/events. [Discussions on the event](https://forum.solidproject.org/) [Solid Vimeo link](https://vimeo.com/solidworld) For more such reports, please see the notes of previous such webinars from the [CERN-Solid collaboration index](http://solid.cern.ch). ## Solid Roadmap Update Tim Berners-Lee: Follow and participate in [the work of SolidOS](https://gitter.im/solid/solidos). Ruben Verborgh: Talk on _Verifiable Credentials (VCs)_. In addition to WebIDs, VCs will allow access to other people's pods. Example: You are a medical doctor, your VCs prove you are. Patients authorise people with medical doctor's VCs to look into their pods. As a result, you are able to take info from your patient's pod without explicit one-to-one authorisation. Check also [UMA, an OAuth2 extension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User-Managed_Access). Osmar Olivo (Oz): Inrupt software suite v.1.1. is out. Links to get more release information: [Release](https://inrupt.com/blog/V1.1-Release) [Docs](https://docs.inrupt.com/) Inrupt does its own development similar to VCs because users can put anything on their pods, so the data have to be _verified_ by a relative authority to avoid fraud. ## Liqid Chat – Jackson Morgan Role: Software Developer Topic: The presentation with demo [Liqid Chat](https://liqid.chat) and showcase how you can chat on your Solid Pod in a modern interface with push notifications, friend search, and a mobile app! [Source code](https://github.com/o-development/ochat-client) [API](https://github.com/o-development/ochat-api) Works with ACLs, not Inrupt ESS ASPs. ## Darcy.is – Christian Buggedei Role: Product Manager / Founder Darcy.is [Link to check out Darcy here](https://darcy.is/) Topic: The average internet user does not yet have a Solid pod and only rudimentary technical chops. How can we make it easy for them to get a Solid pod and jump right into their first Solid application? The [Shepherd prototype](https://shepherd.darcy.is/) shows a possible way to do this. One has to use the Darcy pod provider for now. [List of the most urgent issues](https://github.com/Darcy-Social/shepherd/labels/code%20bounty). ## Inrupt notification project – Jack Lawson & Aaron Coburn Role: Engineers Topic: The Inrupt team will do a deep dive into the contents of the 1.1 release and will demo new capabilities such as **notifications** and application management. [Demo](https://notifications-demo.docs.inrupt.com/)