Solid World 2021-02-04 notes === **Summary** The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now. Material from this webinar will be available via https://solidproject.org/events. For full names and affiliations of the regular speakers, please see the notes of previous such webinars from the [CERN-Solid collaboration index](https://indico.cern.ch/category/11962/). **Solid Roadmap Update** Tim Berners-Lee: SolidOS tests running on the CSS. Focussing on applications today. Ruben Verborgh: CSS is too bare - too technical for newcomers. Now _Community Server Recipes_ is available for selecting your preferred application or adding one's own. Osmar Olivo (Oz): Working on ESS **v.1.1**, due this spring. **Media Kraken – Noel DeMartin** Role: Solid App Developer Topic: Media Kraken as a Solid application Bio: Noel is a developer and entrepreneur making Solid apps. He's committed to working in the open, and you can follow his work and learn more about him at https://noeldemartin.com. This is about _you_ keeping track of movies you have seen. Check soukai.js.org. https://noeldemartin.com/tasks/ https://noeldemartin.github.io/media-kraken/ https://noeldemartin.github.io/media-kraken/viewer for sharing your collection of movies with others. TimBL gives praise to Media Kraken because Solid is no more _only_ about _personal_ data on one's pod but also _shared_ data. **PodExplorer – Jasmine** Role: Solid App Developer Topic: Overview of PodExplorer App Bio: Jasmine is an Engineering Manager at an online learning company, where she leads the teams responsible for the site and data platforms. Prior to this, she worked as a software engineer, product manager, and policy advisor on the ethical use of technology. The speaker recommends RDF libraries on Elixir - Why? Jasmine shared experience with the hard road of understanding standards and techniques and the trouble (we all had at the beginning) knowing what is where used and by what server. This makes developing the client more difficult. She mentioned as examples: - DPoP: a concept out of cryptography, still a draft, which is used in Solid, to check the client's authenticity. - ACP: Access Control Policies - SPARQL: query language for Linked Data in databases. To try her tool: https://podexplorer.gigalixirapp.com/ Maybe this _pod explorer_ will be integrated in CSS. Inrupt already has a _podexplorer_. **Ekseli – Hindia Mohammed** Role: CTO of Ekseli Topic: Projectware Bio: Hindia is a software engineer who is a cofounder and CTO of Ekseli. She has been responsible for managing the development of two software products that ease project communication flow and use Solid POD's. Notes by Maria Dimou - CERN-Solid collaboration manager. For notes from previous such events check [the CERN-Solid collaboration index](https://indico.cern.ch/category/11962/) or [the Solid events' index](https://solidproject.org/events).