Solid World 2021-08-05 notes === Notes by Maria.Dimou@cern.ch **Summary** The _Solid World_ monthly events are very useful. As Gitter chats are too busy and go to all directions, these video meetings are the best way to understand what is in focus now, especially the _Solid Roadmap_. Material from this webinar will be available [on Solid project events](https://solidproject.org/events). [The Solid Discussion Forum](https://forum.solidproject.org/) now moved to [discourse](https://discourse.org). [Solid event recordings' Vimeo link](https://vimeo.com/solidworld) [Newsletter: This month in Solid](https://solidproject.org/newsletter). For more such reports, please see the notes of previous such webinars from the [CERN-Solid collaboration index](http://solid.cern.ch). **Ruben Verborgh:** The Community Solid Server(CSS) is ready. It is an Open Source Solid pod and ID providing tool. It can be easily installed and run locally. It can also run on top of your file system and just show you your files or apps without actually having a pod. To install CSS [go here](https://solidproject.org/self-hosting/css). Pods currently on [solidcommunity.net](https://solidcommunity.net/) will be migrated to CSS. This is not urgent. New users are encouraged to use CSS. There are no public CSS instances at the moment (was just released on 2021-08-05), but [solidcommuniy.net](https://solidcommunity.net/) will be such a place, i.e. will be running CSS instead of NSS (so far). Trying a local installation is easy and recommended. **Osmar Olivo:** Inrupt prompts Solid application developers to complete a survey to aid with the current understanding of the state of application compatibility and interoperability within the Solid ecosystem.[Survey link](https://www.research.net/r/solidappcompatibility). **Solid Team – Justin Bingham** Role: Solid Team Administrator Topic: Give a breakdown of the Solid Team's goals and work in and with the community and their next steps! * The Solid Community Forum moved out of a private provider to discourse.org. How to share and review each other's application: Submit your app to [the Forum](https://forum.solidproject.org/). Then the community tries it and gives feedback. * A lot of recent updates [of the Solid site](https://solidproject.org) **Solid Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team – Jeff Zucker** Role: Solid Developer, co-chair Solid DEI, member Solid Creators Topic: The presentation centered on the creation of Solid DEI, on the relationship between DEI and the Solid vision, and on what community members can do to promote the goals of DEI. The notion of Diversity **also** of projects is a very interesting and useful idea. The Web written by Tim in 1992 wanted Universal access to knowledge _From_ and _For_ everyone. Everyone is meant to participate in a read/write web. **Community Survey – Kyra Assaad** Role: Product Designer Topic: An overview of the June Solid Community Survey and a summary of the findings. Why we created the survey, what we were looking to learn, what we found, and actions and recommendations based on the findings. **Specifications – Sarven Capadisli** Role: W3C Solid Community Group Chair / Editor Topic: W3C Solid Community Group status update TR/protocol changes in Auth/AuthZ and more. For the most part recent specifications' changes extend existing work. Keeping in mind that the specs have Draft status.. so there is some expectation that things can change or break... or we may need to even go back to the drawing board. We also have a healthy overlap with spec editors/authors and implementers. Changes in the spec tend to draw from implementation experience. The Solid notifications' panel will be revived soon.