# CodiMD Archive Status Report ## Overview - Currently CodiMD Archive is in a good working state and is available at https://test-codimd-archive.web.cern.ch/. - A user can: - archive his/her CodiMD Notes/Slides by providing either the editable (e.g. `https://codimd.web.cern.ch/PNIcKL5XRa609LBQBf96oA`) or the published url (e.g. `https://codimd.web.cern.ch/s/ksEGCiXno`). Only public notes (i.e.`Editable` or `Locked`) can be archived. - access his/her `Archive` at https://test-codimd-archive.web.cern.ch/my/archive and `download` a note, view its `history` and `delete` it. - search through his/her archived notes at https://test-codimd-archive.web.cern.ch/my/search. ## Progress since the 2020/10/27 Documentation Project meeting - Finished moving archiving to task queue and updated user interface of the main page. ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_9bf55f6e2209592504f60dbe5d2fd908.png) --- - Finished deployment's project with Helm and deployed manually in OpenShift DEV. - Created issues on JIRA for future improvements. - Updated project's readme. - We had a meeting with Jose and Jean-Yves from CDS on 2020/12/02. The following topics were discussed: - Long term preservation needs to follow specific standards: https://dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/. - Digital Memory project uses Archivematica as preservation software. - CodiMD Archive will need an API for allowing pulling the note of a user (.zip) and add useful metadata (owner, note’s title, created time etc.) - The archive service can return an id which can be used from CodiMD Archive for recovery of the data. - We'll arrange another meeting for the requirements of the integration when we start working on this (also we need to wait for the CDS new app to be more stable).