HN analysis summary == ## PROMPT ANALYSIS ### V2.0 analysis (no vertices) -- prompt + Cuts as in the V2.0 analysis note ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -6.66566 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -7.96838 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -7.89941 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -8.20625 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -8.42797 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -8.53553 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -8.46195 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -8.40078 Interpolation result: ---- M 70 -> -8.15832 Interpolation result: ---- M 80 -> -7.20016 Interpolation result: ---- M 85 -> -6.38057 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_67e5a15dce6734fa06fb79cc7e30dbb9.png) ### Original + Primary vertex -- prompt + Cuts as in the V2.0 + `(oNtracks - oNtracksP) < 5` + `TMath::Log10(oVtx_chi2P) < 1` ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -6.66566 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -7.82925 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -7.87208 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -8.191 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -8.42471 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -8.54013 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -8.55743 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -8.51988 Interpolation result: ---- M 70 -> -8.34898 Interpolation result: ---- M 80 -> -7.59044 Interpolation result: ---- M 85 -> -6.77038 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8087d99e8ee5d10bf1ad0c4878a6a23e.png) ### Primary vertex displacement, no Dcut -- prompt + V2.0 analysis without D cut + `(oNtracks - oNtracksP) < 5` + `TMath::Log10(oVtx_chi2P) < 1` + `TMath::Sqrt(oVtx_xP*oVtx_xP + oVtx_yP*oVtx_yP) < 0.5` ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -5.16694 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -7.66426 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -8.00716 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -8.47525 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -8.8216 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -8.92178 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -8.72339 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -8.56134 Interpolation result: ---- M 70 -> -8.32136 Interpolation result: ---- M 80 -> -7.53304 Interpolation result: ---- M 85 -> -6.62555 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_dd81821a271b3681290287fa4b8e31e7.png) ### Prompt: Primary vertex + 8 sigma + V2.0 analysis with D cut < 8 sigma + `(oNtracks - oNtracksP) < 5` + `TMath::Log10(oVtx_chi2P) < 1` + `TMath::Sqrt(oVtx_xP*oVtx_xP + oVtx_yP*oVtx_yP) < 0.5` ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -4.66694 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -7.47949 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -7.75803 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -8.14345 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -8.41373 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -8.5389 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -8.55743 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -8.51988 Interpolation result: ---- M 70 -> -8.34898 Interpolation result: ---- M 80 -> -7.59044 Interpolation result: ---- M 85 -> -6.77038 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_4dc300ef6bcbb988802d7d7000754a65.png) --- ## LONG LIVED ANALYSIS ### Original (no vertices) -- longlived + Cuts as in the V2.0 analysis note ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -8.0501 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -9.4071 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -10.3245 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -10.7646 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -10.9751 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -10.9017 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_d8d55cdbf101b390fb80b4f78f186b16.png) ### Primary vertex displacement, no D0 cut -- longlived + V2.0 analysis without D cut + `(oNtracks - oNtracksP) < 5` + `TMath::Log10(oVtx_chi2P) < 1` + `TMath::Sqrt(oVtx_xP*oVtx_xP + oVtx_yP*oVtx_yP) > 0.5` ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 5 -> -8.00103 Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -9.35523 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -10.286 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -10.7286 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -10.938 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -10.8773 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -10.6444 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -10.3234 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_cdf074f0e2da0ead8f001f6674c20ebb.png) Ad hoc condition at 40 GeV: ``` if (m==40 && Y > -7.5) totsig=0; ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_5f5f8d3dbbd8899b675f4c0a44dedd4d.png) Upper limits: ``` Interpolation result: ---- M 10 -> -3.56961 Interpolation result: ---- M 20 -> -5.61514 Interpolation result: ---- M 30 -> -6.52515 Interpolation result: ---- M 40 -> -7.30797 Interpolation result: ---- M 50 -> -8.23082 Interpolation result: ---- M 60 -> -9.12845 Interpolation result: ---- M 65 -> -9.69282 ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8c683db37858cecf36254d88a403f603.png) --- :::danger OLDER THAN MAY 23 ::: --- **AVAILABLE DATAPOINTS** ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_297317e5c50c310ed38b718f5e678593.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_965e8689088b2d1a3faebe3aa5090925.png) ### Distribution of (not weighted) number of events after Prompt analysis D cut 8 sigma ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_8f1d48a651c08bd739accb914f4f6b2d.png) ### Distribution of (not weighted) number of events after LL analysis D cut 1 mm ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_bd3d67d3655e3b3e8742a713f68281cc.png) --- ### 28-03-23 --- ** Signficance, fixed jets **Durham kt fixed number of jets = 2:** (jalg==0) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_41f3c95c09701383c2d2d296841cc10d.png) **Durham kt 1 or 2 jets. Same analysis for al cases where njets = 2:** (jalg==2) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_1ac2b6aee9c2f6f35f01ab3e82f53cf9.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_e304a07ded910f5fc2337944d8e9a7f2.png) **Analyses comparison for dcut = 8:** ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_098cefa12826156efc168ab1a7c974ee.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_22dac05b24431a79ed77b152beff7d16.png) --- ### LONG LIVED CUT --- + ATLAS formula, no bkg systematics but setting b=1 when b=0. + jalg == 2 (1 or 2 jets) + D0 > 200sigma ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_dfaf48417e33e9fc27b3bfc184f1b0db.png) --- + ATLAS formula, no bkg systematics but setting b=1 when b=0. + jalg == 2 (1 or 2 jets) + D0 > 1 mm ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_f104d83f9b467fc60a79aa43230089b5.png) **Prompt vs long-lived. D cut 1 mm:** ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_3d55d3b443e7303579808c8835828b00.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_23f294804e2e001afda846209071a998.png) ... What to do with those 2 Zbb events at 30 GeV? Numbers at https://nvalle.web.cern.ch/fcc/summary_V3_jalg2_longlived_sigmaunit.html ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_243c7d1136e78be643417d264c2834c2.png) Event selection + D > 1mm: (no Emiss, M cut) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_92548f64c61236053efe9824fb2d927b.png) --- --- #### Some distributions: **Cos(jj) for M = 80 GeV** ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_96f0d72fded1fc6eb1479a38994a3d0c.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_fb95d7e0b8803c9124e2ae50aae3bfdd.png) **sqrt(Vtx_x * Vtx_x + Vtx_y * Vtx_y + Vtx_z * Vtx_z) for M=20, lt=m0p5** ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_f645294cc3aa1b8d45eda4165ee4c57b.png) --- (http://cds.cern.ch/record/2316023/files/fulltext.pdf) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_12978bab6ef7abca8c8c3181ba65612b.png) --- :::success **Playing with cuts at high mass.** M = 80. MIN[cos(j,mu)] ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_20f9c8e5364adaa5f3c5c6ff15ff3acb.png) M = 80. MAX[cos(j,mu)] ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_38d30a913b3528090f1489ca3b1600be.png) M = 80. Cos(jj) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_4895ac8849d2cc64317c116c52226013.png) Brute force cut variation on cos(jj) and cos(jmu) doesn't lead to signficant improvements. Rejecting more background is more efficient that accepting more signal... Following plot: M=80, D0 < 8sigma, legend:[cosjj,min_jmu,max_jmu] ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_017b187f65caf03b15437e66e41b60a3.png) ::: :::success ## **Playing with beam spread** ``` Beams:allowVertexSpread = on Beams:sigmaVertexX = 5.96e-3 Beams:sigmaVertexY = 23.8E-6 Beams:sigmaVertexZ = 0.397 Beams:sigmaTime = 10.89 ! 36.3 ps ``` ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_fa4e50f7928908cbd3f603b29ddb8022.png) ::: :::success ## **Impact parameter vs Vertex position.** Impact parameter discriminates better Zbb/Zcc. Following plots contain distributions after sliding cuts. 2021 SAMPLES, ALL WITHOUT BEAM SPREAD. M=70, LT = -4.5. Weighted ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_65884d9f65f2a796e63acb3fde98424d.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_c919c7f4e3bb4053d8ea8912a918f779.png) --- M = 20, LT ~0.0. Not much to say: Both D0 and Vtx can easily reject all the background. ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_589e2cb122d0ed144c72a6b065a7fc6d.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_b8ddb1f903a2d8535c5503471d917799.png) ::: :::success ## Playing with statistics https://codimd.web.cern.ch/zm5HPB2iSZi_mzTS0UedSw ::: :::success ## Variable width mass window ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_740d46efbaeaa0e21da34d089ec32059.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_69c357139953732865186eb8712d7de1.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_c070bb5c38bb58acb6d5502b06757ebb.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_45c8e81d7667c36684a887a2d17241a7.png) --- Prompt, 8sigma cut, ATLAS formula ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_d4b83b04f8cee556c49bb4e213ded859.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_68e399e0676b9a5ec225412e485c7e5e.png) ::: :::info ## TO DO - [ ] Vertexing: - [ ] Understand if one can separate primary from secondary vertex, and impact on Zbb - Status: code implemented, but for LL signal does not converge for primaries - [ ]Write algorithm to calcolate distance from ID envelope (pathid) - [ ] Selection LLP: Study at low mass selection options on LLP based on vertexes: - dvert>xxx && dvert<1500 - dvert>xxx && chi2vert<10(100) - dvert>xxx && pathid>1000 (?) - [ ] Winter2023: produce available samples and compare distributions with spring2021 - [ ] in particular, compare effect of impact paramter cut in two setups without too many cuts on kinematics - [ ] check how affected resolution of masses from change of EM resolution - [ ] Adding beam spread to signal/4 fermion samples - [x] try to run PY8 with beam spread on existing LHE and see if it works - [ ] Ask MG5 guys to implement spread - [ ] Recalculate impact parameter based on track paramters offline, after moving it around - [ ] Whizard+UFO??? - [x] Define statistical treatment when background==0 - [ ] Define how to handle situation when a given background source is zero - [ ] Produce curves with different assumptions on systematics: 1% 0.5% 0.1% - [ ] Setup statistical framework for dealing with multi-bin in vertex position/impact parameter - [ ] Optimise selection for high mass region (~>60) and for 85 GeV - [ ] Develop technique for 'smoothing' backgrounds based on interplay between mass window variables and lifetime variables - [ ] Estimate the impact on angular variables of long-lived vertex (?) - [ ] Develop procedure for changing resolution of mass ant MET concurrently ::: --- :::spoiler OLD #### Extended tables of numbers + [Event selection cut flow](https://nvalle.web.cern.ch/fcc/CutByCut.html) + [Summary and impact parameter cut](https://nvalle.web.cern.ch/fcc/summary.html) --- Backgrounds included in the following picture: * Hadronic (bb,cc,uds): 95% CL upper limit * Leptonic ($\mu\mu$,$\tau\tau$): 0 events ["No leptonic bkg"] or 95% CL upper limit ["All bkg"] * $\mu\nu qq$ channel: 95% upper limit Line drawn requiring S/sqrt(S+B) = 2 ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_d42edf360dfbd12a98142c1f447dc618.png) # Lint = 1.5e8 pb-1 Tot simulated statistics: $5 \times 10^{12}$ + $\sigma$(Zbb) = 6645.46 pb + $\sigma$(Zcc) = 5215.46 pb + $\sigma$(Zuds) = 18616.5 pb + $\sigma$(Z$\mu\mu$) = 1462.08 pb + $\sigma$(Z$\tau\tau$) = 1476.58 pb + $\sigma$($\mu\nu qq$) = 0.003192 pb + $\sigma$(signal 50GeV) = 0.2061 pb @ U$^2$ = $10^{-4}$ ## HN M = 30 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 456.8 | 44.4% | 45.4% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 3083 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 2420 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 2 evt left | 1 evt left | 14233 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 95.9% | 95.9% | 19716 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 54600 x 456.75 = 2.49386e+07 + Bkg1: 96698.5 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4984.2 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 2.50187e-05 + U^2 = 2.501873e-09 + Bkg2: 24630.5 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4991.39 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 1.26667e-05 + U^2 = 1.266668e-09 ## HN M = 40 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 389.7 | 35.6% | 36.8% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 5 evt left | 0 evt left | 3083 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 2 evt left | 0 evt left | 2420 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 6 evt left | 0 evt left | 9008 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 94.4% | 94.5% | 26525 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 63245 x 389.7 = 2.46466e+07 + Bkg1: 97693.4 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4954.72 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 2.54446e-05 + U^2 = 2.544460e-09 + Bkg2: 28285.5 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4961.69 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 1.3729e-05 + U^2 = 1.372895e-09 ## HN M = 50 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 309.1 | 36.6% | 37.8% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 20 evt left | 0 evt left | 3083 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 15 evt left | 0 evt left | 2420 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 20 evt left | 0 evt left | 9008 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 94.6% | 94.7% | 25559 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 62177 x 309.15 = 1.9222e+07 + Bkg1: 97435.5 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4373.22 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 3.25822e-05 + U^2 = 3.258224e-09 + Bkg2: 27381.4 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 4381.17 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 1.73214e-05 + U^2 = 1.732142e-09 ## HN M = 60 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 218.2 | 42.6% | 43.6% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 203 evt left | 6 evt left | 12167 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 68 evt left | 4 evt left | 7380 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 25 evt left | 4 evt left | 27474 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 94.8% | 94.9% | 24902 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 56376 x 218.25 = 1.23041e+07 + Bkg1: 101594 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 3493.32 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 5.19731e-05 + U^2 = 5.197311e-09 + Bkg2: 39717.2 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 3502.07 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 3.25574e-05 + U^2 = 3.255743e-09 ## HN M = 70 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 125.4 | 53.6% | 54.4% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 834 evt left | 10 evt left | 15639 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 137 evt left | 2 evt left | 5081 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 27 evt left | 3 evt left | 23271 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 95.8% | 95.9% | 19989 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 45603 x 125.37 = 5.71725e+06 + Bkg1: 99776.8 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 2370.48 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 0.000110849 + U^2 = 1.108492e-08 + Bkg2: 34806 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 2383.83 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 6.56142e-05 + U^2 = 6.561425e-09 ## HN M = 80 GeV | | Sample | Weight | Cut eff (w/o b) | Cut eff (w b) | Upp lim 95% | | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | signal | 0.1 M | 47.1 | 73.9% | 74.3% | | | Zbb | 970.0 M | 1027.6 | 7030 evt left | 63 evt left | 78200 | | Zcc | 970.0 M | 806.5 | 670 evt left | 9 evt left | 12662 | | Zuds | 930.0 M | 3002.7 | 49 evt left | 0 evt left | 9008 | | Zmumu | 10.0 M | 21931.3 | 0 evt left | 0 evt left | 65794 | | Ztautau | 10.0 M | 22148.7 | 1 evt left | 0 evt left | 66446 | | munuqq | 0.5 M | 1.0 | 97.5% | 97.6% | 11860 | | | | | | | | + Signal: 25671 x 47.055 = 1.20795e+06 + Bkg1: 123456 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 1046.87 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 0.00058341 + U^2 = 5.834096e-08 + Bkg2: 80606.7 + S/sqrt(S+B) = 1064.14 + To get significance = 2, the factor needed on signal is: 0.000471734 + U^2 = 4.717335e-08 # Summary of the analysis + Event filtering: + At least 3 charged particles + Missing momentum > 5 GeV + At least one muon with p > 3 GeV + Particles clustered in exctly 2 jets + Event selection + Only one reconstructed muon + |cos (theta Pmiss)| < 0.94 + |cos (angle Muon-Pmiss)| < 0.8 + 2 jets with E > 3 GeV and Mass > 0.2 GeV + -0.8 < cos (angle jj) < 0.98 + -0.98 < min [ cos(angle j1Mu, angle j2Mu)] < 0.8 + Mass(Pmiss j1 j2 Mu) > 80 GeV + Final cut. + Mass (Mu j1 j2) = M_HN \pm 4 GeV + Pmiss (3-momentum) = p_recoil \pm 3.5 GeV + p_recoil = (m_Z^2 - m_HN^2) / 2 m_Z + muon impact parameter / sigma > 8 + Cut flow: | Signal 50 GeV | Zbb | Zcc | Zuds | Zmumu | Ztautau | munuqq | | | ------------- | ----- | ----- | ---- | ----- | ------- | ------ | ----------------- | | 100k | 970M | 970M | 930M | 10M | 10M | 500k | **Genrated** | | 96.3k | 134M | 58M | 356k | 665 | 431k | 428k | **After filter** | | 65.6k | 51.6k | 5.34k | 374 | 0 | 20 | 199k | **Event selection** | Before event selection (but requiring one single muon): ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_ed79f7387b193e7fc6d7010e95b68fc2.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_ec5c9bf0cdc8a3ef41758c1f8f9f625d.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_bfdbec69e8c52464b13479afb13efaed.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_4007b4ab1fca93997461e6f848c41678.png) ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_1ffaa66432c0dea10211570cad6a0426.png) After event selection: ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_96b0da63fe3f6269b946a24b738151c2.png) ## Muon impact parameter (after event selection) - 50 GeV ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_374060e4710a8b1da97d2c960ce602d0.png) #### Muon impact paramer after M / pmiss cuts Missing channels are in overflow! ![](https://codimd.web.cern.ch/uploads/upload_57c7c6cab82f06c590c08c7e0ac89575.png) :::